Experience of traveling in France you should prepare

What to prepare for France? How to travel? Where to visit? Which is the right time to travel to France? … that is the wonder that many tourists need to be answered when they intend to visit this beautiful, romantic country.

And the following information about French travel experience will help you to get the most appropriate answers.

Known as one of the world’s most famous romantic tourist destinations, beautiful France always leaves an unforgettable impression to every visitor. To the capital of light, you can not visit the Eiffel Tower, walk on the Champs-Elysees or visit Notre Dame Cathedral … Besides, boldly speak French instead of English, walk to discover Paris And the following note will partly help your French trip become more interesting.

Appropriate time to travel France

Like many other European countries, France also has four seasons. However, the terrain characteristics are quite diverse, so each region in France will have a different climate, different seasons and temperatures between regions. This has become a great factor, especially in France, because even though visitors come to this country at any time of the year, there are many attractions that are suitable for them without being returned too much concern about weather and climate.

Kinh nghiệm đi du lịch Pháp bạn nên chuẩn bị

Autumn and spring are the best time for tourists to visit central and eastern France because this time the weather is extremely pleasant. Summer in some areas is very hot and winter is very cold but in the Alps area is very ideal for visitors to enjoy, explore. With the southern region of France autumn is the best time for tourists to travel. Particularly for the western region of France, visitors can go on excursions at any time of the year, because the weather here is harmonious, in addition to the extremely pleasant time in spring and autumn and natural landscapes. Naturally beautiful, winter in this area is not too cold, summer is sunny but not too hot.

Use of currency in France

Kinh nghiệm đi du lịch Pháp bạn nên chuẩn bị

In France now use the common European currency: Euro (1 euro = 1.36 USD). You should change the amount of cash you need to use in your country, exchange for small denominations and coins to buy tickets, phone cards, drinks.

You should prepare a balance that exceeds 50% of the total budget you will spend when traveling France because the price in Paris is very expensive.

Places to visit France

Tourist destinations in France are plentiful, scattered throughout the regions where visitors pass through. Transportation in France is very complete, so it contributes a lot to bringing visitors the extremely interesting and convenient discovery journeys, most destinations in a country with quite diverse terrain.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho travel France

Also from the geographical position and terrain, visitors to France can take advantage of their time to visit all the prominent tourist destinations or not, depending on many of their subjective factors. France has 7 cultural areas stretching from north to south, each region has its own characteristics, its own beauty, but still has a quiet, seductive and subtle French expression that expresses words. For that, depending on what the visitors want to visit France, discovering any beauty, will surely have reasonable information and advice, so that you can make the most of your trip without missing out any typical destination where you arrived.