Travelling is fun, but most people avoid it because of the costs involved. Booking transport and finding the best accommodation can eat up a huge chunk of your budget. That is why it is advisable to find the best bargains before you finally set out. Some tips for finding cheap accomodation, especially in towns, include:

Travel off season

If possible, try and schedule your travel when it is off season. Avoid booking during major holidays such as Christmas, New Year’s, or when major events are happening in the town. Most hotels have discounted prices during off season, as most of their rooms will be empty. ‘

Book hotels with kitchens

This depends with how long you plan to stay. If you will be staying longer, then it makes financial sense for you to have a kitchenette where you can prepare your own meals, especially dinner, to avoid incurring costs on food.

Understand the location

No matter how cheap a hotel is, you should always consider the distance between major facilities such as supermarkets, access to attraction sites, and other locations where you may want to visit. Book hotels that are easily accessible, to avoid incurring hefty transport costs.

Consider staying in a hostel

If you are on a very tight budget, hostels can be a welcome relief, as they charge relatively lower than other accommodations. Just go to your directory and check out reputable hostels in the area you plan to visit.

Look through the facilities the hotel provides

Before you decide which hotel will be cheaper to stay in, check out the options they have. If one is slightly more expensive but offers free breakfast, wifi, and phone services, then it would be cheaper than one that charges for these services. Always read through the fine print and know what you will be getting with each package before you pay.